Good nutrition plays an important role in maintaining your oral health.
When it comes to maintaining your overall wellness, one of the best things you can do is eat a healthy, balanced diet. A diet that is packed with nutrients will help your body function as it should — and this includes your teeth and gums. Vitamin K2 is one of the vitamins that are essential for your body and can contribute towards a healthy health. So, how exactly could it benefit your smile? And what foods contain this particular vitamin?
What is vitamin K?
Vitamin K is a nutrient that plays an essential role in blood clotting. There are two main forms of the vitamin: vitamin K1 and vitamin K2.
Vitamin K works by activating the proteins that help with a number of important bodily processes — these include blood clotting, calcium metabolism, and heart function. One of the most important functions of the vitamin is its role in the regulation of calcium deposition — it promotes bone calcification and prevents calcium deposits from building up in the walls of the blood vessels.
Some studies suggest that vitamin K2 specifically promotes bone and heart health, although more research is needed to determine all of the differences between vitamins K1 and K2.
A fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin K2 is absorbed by the body with fats in your diet. It is stored in the fatty tissue.
The vitamin can be found in leafy greens, as well as vegetable oils. Other food sources of vitamin K2 include hard cheeses, eggs, pork, and chicken.
What effect does vitamin K2 have on your oral health?
Although more research needs to be done regarding the effect of vitamin K2 on the teeth, researchers suspect that it can have an impact on one’s dental health. This is because the vitamin plays a role in bone metabolism and activates a protein known as osteocalcin, which is one of the major regulating proteins in dental health. The regulating protein works by stimulating new bone growth and dentin, the tissue that is located underneath the enamel of the teeth. Researchers believe that vitamins A and D work together with vitamin K2 in this process.
How can you make sure that you get enough vitamin K2?
The good news is that it is usually possible to get the recommended amount of vitamin K2 by eating a balanced diet. Some of the foods that are particularly rich in this vitamin include cheese; beef liver; chicken; butter; and egg yolks.
If you don’t eat any of these foods, it is possible to take vitamin K2 supplements. To enjoy optimal benefits, you might consider combining your vitamin K2 supplements with a vitamin D supplement, as these nutrients work together.
How can we help?
At Extreme Dentistry in Darwin, we encourage all of our patients to eat a diet that is well-balanced and high in all of the nutrients that promote overall health. By eating plenty of whole foods and limiting your consumption of sugary and acidic foods and drinks, it is possible to keep your teeth in good condition in the long term.
A healthy diet should be combined with proper oral hygiene habits — this includes brushing and flossing every day and seeing your dentist for regular check-ups and cleans.
If you have a question about your oral health, your oral hygiene habits, or any of the dietary choices that could be affecting your smile, we encourage you to come in and see us. We offer a comprehensive range of dental services, from general and restorative procedures to cosmetic treatments designed to enhance the appearance of the smile.
To see the full range of services that we offer at Extreme Dentistry, please have a look here.
If you would like to arrange an appointment, please give us a call on 08 8948 1225 or get in touch with us here.