Performing Root Canal
Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic treatment is a widespread solution to saving an infected tooth. To understand how this is possible and how the infection occurs in the first place, it is important to understand the structure of the tooth.
The structure of a tooth
Your tooth comprises of four main structures.
Enamel: This is the hard outer covering of your tooth. It is calcified tissue which covers the crown of your tooth and is one of the hardest substances in the body. Your enamel does not contain any living cells, and due to this, it cannot repair itself. That is why when issues arise such as tooth decay, only your dentist will be able to address it.
Dentin: Beneath your enamel is what is known as dentin. It contains microscopic tubules (small hollow tubes or canals). When enamel becomes eroded, dentin then loses its protective covering. The tubules then allow heat and cold or acidic or sticky foods to stimulate the nerves and cells inside the tooth. This is sometimes the reason for tooth sensitivity.
Pulp chamber: inside your tooth, you will have a pulp chamber. This houses the nerves, blood vessels and connective tissues of your teeth.
Root canal: your root canal is located inside your pulp chamber it is inside the root of the tooth and contains the pulp. Your tooth pulp has a soft, gelatinous consistency.
When the pulp becomes infected
Tooth decay erodes your teeth and since teeth do not have the ability to repair themselves, the erosion will continue through each section of your tooth unless you visit your dentist to put a stop to it. While decay can be treated with a simple filling (if caught early enough) if it has been given the chance to progress through the layers of your tooth, you may find yourself with an infected pulp and your dentist informing you that you will require root canal treatment. Root canal treatment is fantastic in the sense that it directly addresses this issue. And what makes it even better is that at Extreme Dentistry, we have been able to take it a step further.
Performing root canal using a microscope
The use of microscopes has truly revolutionized root canal treatments as it allows your dentist to operate with greater precision. Microscope assisted root canal treatment is one of the most accurate dental treatments and aligns fully with Extreme Dentistry’s values of providing excellent, high-quality service to our patients. To understand how invaluable the use of microscopes can be when performing root canal treatments, consider this: teeth may comprise of one to three roots with up to three root canals each, which contain the pulp. Some of these canals are as thin as hair. For root canal treatment to be successful it is important to detect and treat all root canals. As a dentist, the use of microscopes allows us to perform this treatment with more ease and as a patient, you can have peace of mind that your dentist has the ability to provide you with meticulous treatment.
Microscopes provide extreme magnification which is incredibly beneficial in the sense that this makes it possible to identify and treat even minuscule structures and problem areas. Your pain can be minimized all while achieving great long-term results.
Though in general, root canals have a high success rate, an unsuccessful root canal is most often due to tooth fractures (cracks) that may occur during treatment. Microscope assisted root canal treatments greatly minimise this risk as your dentist has a greater detailed view of the minute structures of your tooth when performing the treatment. This better view also allows us to easily detect and open accessory canals of molar teeth. We can also safely find, open and clean C-shaped canals or canals that have complicated anatomy.
Using microscopes to perform our root canal treatments at Extreme Dentistry has most certainly been a key factor in enabling us to provide superior service. If you would like to book a consultation with Dr Anand about a possible root canal, contact our team today.